Analyze, Research, Generate Ideas with
Analyze complex subjects, conduct thorough research, unlock insights and innovation in your work. Empower yourself with additional intelligence and wit to stay creative in this fast-paced world.
Step 1: Create a Board
Log in to your account and navigate to the Start Page.
Select the Explore Ideas card.
Step 2: Input the Central Theme of your Research
Input the Central Idea or Starting Topic of research in the Starting Thought. This could be the central theme or just some context to begin with. For Eg. "Proliferation of Content - Long Form Narratives & Micro Media", or "Role of Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies - for Innovations in Supply Chain Management" etc.
Step 3. Breakdown & Analyse your starting thought
Select the 1st yellow Note that you see.
And click the Analyse button in the Ideation Toolbar that appears on its right.
You'll see new notes come in on your board as wity starts analysing & breaking down your thought into more thoughts.
Step 4. Use the Ideation Toolbar shortcuts - Analyse, Exemplify, Explain How, Explain Why or Custom Queries
You can select any one or more Notes on your board, and click any shortcut button or custom queries button in the Ideation-Toolbar, to quickly inspect any aspect of a set of thoughts.
Tip: You can create your own Custom Prompt Shortcut buttons
Tip: Using Custom Queries on your Notes
- Click on Custom Queries button at the bottom of the IdeationToolbar of your selected Note(s)
- In the panel that appears on the right, enter your custom query & hit the send button.
Tip: You can Use AI Chat Panel on the side
- This section allows you & other users on your board to Chat with AI in a UX similar to chatgpt but with the added capability for multi user chat,
- It provides a space for informal ideation separate from the knowledge graph, without having to use any AI chat tool on the side.
Step 7 Download Your Board as Text Document (html, pdf or markdown) or as OPML
Click the AI export Button (red coloured) on the top-right of your board.
Select the type of export in the panel that appears
For More Details on OPML Exports, you can refer to this blog post -